A national respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine programme is being launced from 1st September 2024 to protect infants and elderly people from RSV and will save lives in the UK.
RSV is a major cause of respiratory illness, and is particularly dangerous for infants and the elderly. The virus can lead to bronchiolitis and pneumonia, requiring hospitalisation and intensive care in severe cases. The new vaccination programme is a proactive measure to mitigate these risks and enhance public health. We encourage all our patients who are eligible to be vaccinated.
Who is eligible?
- People aged 75 to 79 years old on 1st September 2024 will be invited to receive their RSV vaccination at the Stennack Surgery, and those turning 75 after this date will also receive an invitation once eligible. Appointments will be available at Stennack Surgery from 02.09.24 onwards.
- Women that are at least 28 weeks pregnant should speak to their midwife (maternity service) initially, or Stennack Surgery, to get the RSV vaccine to protect their baby.
Will I also still need a seasonal Flu & COVID Vaccine in October 2024?
- Yes all patients aged 65 and over and Pregnant Ladies will be offered a seasonal Flu & COVID Vaccine in October 2024. You will need a seperate appointment in October for these vaccines and will recieve a seperate invitation for these vaccines. If you do not receive an invitation please contact Stennack Surgery.
- We recommend you get your RSV vaccine in September before the Flu & COVID vaccines are released so you have maximum protection against RSV this winter.
What do I do if I am housebound?
All patients who are housebound will be offered a visit for a RSV vaccine ASAP after 01.09.24, and a further visit will be offered for your seasonal Flu & COVID Vaccines from October 2024. If you are unsure if you have been added to our housebound list please contact main reception to check.